How to Sell Your Home: Good Marketing

(This is part three in a four-part series on Selling Your House in Aberdeen, SD.)

What does good marketing do for your efforts to list and sell your home? In plain terms, if no one knows your home is for sale, it won’t sell. HOME_SOLD_ABERDEEN

The primary thing I do for you is list your home on the MLS. This is no small thing. I pay to be on the MLS so my clients get IMMEDIATE exposure to hundreds of local agents and all their clients. Just google the numbers to understand the advantages of listing with an agent over and against trying to sell for sale by owner. (For example, the Natl Association of Realtors 2010 Home Buyer & Seller Survey reports that the median home price for sellers who used an agent was $199,300 vs. $140,000 for a home sold directly by an owner.)

But putting a sign in your yard is not the end of the story. I go the extra mile. I provide you with a comprehensive marketing plan so you can see–on paper–exactly what I will be doing for you to help sell your house at top dollar, in the shortest amount of time. I take the time to take good photos of your home. We design and provide beautiful listing fliers for drivers by.

ONLINE_MARKETINGAnd I make sure your house is online everywhere, making it easy for today’s home buyer to find your home instantly. (This includes ways for you to post your listing to your favorite social media outlet, like Facebook).

Marketing alone will not sell your house. But it will present your house in the best possible light, expose it to the largest possible audience of buyers and increase your chances of a quick sell.

I really do offer something special when it comes to selling your home in Aberdeen. Call or email me to get a private consultation if you want to see exactly what I can do for you!